3 mins in development finance/wk40 (Sep 28th–Oct 4th)
During the crisis, I decided to share links to content I’ve recently digested that I think are relevant for those interested in Development Finance and Impact investing in general. Not all articles featured here are about the DFIs, but in my opinion, they address the markets we invest in and/or speak about subjects/ideas that we should be aware of.You will note that I am partial to content on Financial Inclusion, Education and Asia in particular.I publish this list weekly. I hope you enjov and please follow me for more updates.
Development Finance
IFC & World Bank
- (02/10/20) IFC Continues to Support Private Sector Development in Uzbekistan -”IFC”
- (30/09/20) New Analysis Shows Onshore Wind Potential Across Africa Enough to Power the Entire Continent Many Times Over -”IFC”
- (23/09/20) IFC and COMPASS GROUP announce investment for up to US$21 million to help Micro and Small Peruvian Enterprises
- (02/10/20) AFD, EIB, the EU and Kenya join forces to improve access to water and sanitation in Kisumu -”EIB”
- (01/10/20) Egypt: EIB invests USD 22 million in the first closing of LCP Fund II -”EIB”
- (30/09/20) Championing economic opportunities for women in Africa — Development Partners International’s (DPI) latest fund to become the first 2X Flagship Fund -”EIB”
- (30/09/20) Development Solutions: Credit where it’s overdue -”EIB”
- (01/10/20) Nigeria at 60: CDC Group is celebrating a strong partnership -”CDC”
- (28/09/20) CDC Group and Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority sign Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen collaboration — “CDC”
- (28/09/20) New funding opportunities for research on the impact of development finance -”CDC”
- (28/09/20) CDC Group and Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority sign Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen collaboration -”CDC”
Asia Development Bank
- (30/09/20) | Video | Digital Transformation in a Post-COVID-19 World -”ADB”
- (29/09/20) ADB, Tavan Bogd Group Companies Sign Loan to Support Wheat Supply Chain in Mongolia During Pandemic -”ADB”
- (29/09/20) | Publication |Asian Development Review: Volume 37, Number 2 -”ADB”
- (28/09/20) ADB Approves $200 Million Loan to Improve Power Sector in Uzbekistan -”ADB”
African Development Bank
- ( — / — / — ) COVID-19 Crisis Recovery Facility -”AIIB”
- (28/09/20) AIIB Approves USD150-M Loan to Improve Digital Connectivity in Indonesia -”AIIB”
- (29/09/20) FMO Ventures Program supports Easy Solar scale operations in West Africa -”FMO”
- (29/09/20) The Lab launches eight new finance solutions to drive climate action and green recovery -”FMO”
- (28/09/20) Sustainalytics gives FMO best ESG Risk Rating in entire database of 12,000 companies -”FMO”
- (30/09/20) Development Partners International’s (DPI) Latest Fund To Become The First 2X FlagShip Fund — ”Proparco”
- (29/09/20) Embracing The Challenges Of Sustainable Industrial Development: Latest Issue Of Private Sector & Development -”Proparco”
- (01/10/20) EBRD revises down economic forecasts amid continuing coronavirus uncertainty -”EBRD”
- (01/10/20) EBRD invests in Egypt-focused private equity fund -”EBRD”
- (30/09/20) EBRD pledges US$ 40 million in support of Uzbek SMEs -”EBRD”
Misc content in development finance
- ( — / — / — ) Welcome to Navigating Impact -”NavigatingImpact”
- (30/09/20) Financial return and Impact or ESG Management -”Linkedln”
- (29/09/20) Increasing the positive impact of all investments: Helping fund managers walk the walk -”ThinkNPC”
- (25/09/20) COVID-19 and SME Failures — “IMF”
- (23/09/20) CFA Institute Weighs in on Including Climate Change Analysis in the Investment Process -”CFA Institute”
- (23/09/20) | Video | Phenix Virtual Impact Summit 2020 — Johanna Klein, Principal, IFC Asset Management Company — “YouTube”
- (15/09/20) Exclusive: The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke . . . Is Now Officially Broke -”Forbes”
Misc content around technology of interest
- (30/09/20) Cities can reopen smarter with IFC’s privacy-protected mobility data analytics — “Medium”
- (28/09/20) Unlocking Africa’s digital future — “TheAfricanReport”
Subscription Required
The Economist
- (12/09/20) Covid-19 has forced a radical shift in working habits -”TheEconomist”
- (12/09/20) Who owns what? -”TheEconomist”
Financial Times
- (11–13/11/20) FT Global Digital Conference -”FinancialTimes”
- (05/10/20) Students call on UK university endowments to invest responsibly | Financial Times -”Financial Times”
- (05/10/20) Students call on UK university endowments to invest responsibly | -”Financial Times”
The Diplomat
- (29/09/20) Southeast Asian Economies Face Generational Downturn from COVID-19 -” The Diplomat”
- (28/09/20) COVID-19: The Nail in the Coffin of China’s Belt and Road Initiative? -”TheDiplomat”
- (04/10/20) Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment Would Give Global Economy a Lift Next Year -”WSJ”
- (03/09/20) Battery-Free, Energy-Harvesting Perpetual Machines: The Weird Future of Computing -”WSJ”
- (02/10/ 20) U.S. to Investigate Vietnam for Currency Manipulation -”WSJ”